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graphic for creating space
graphic for creating space
graphic for creating spaceTrinity Software Solutions company logo.Trinity Software Solutions All Ways Rationalgraphic for creating spaceGraphic of Rational business alliance program logo
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graphic to create space graphic to create space graphic to create space graphic to create space graphic to create space graphic to create space graphic to create space
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graphic to create space graphic to create space graphic to create space graphic to create space
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Trinity Is Certified Gold

Certified Gold Partner Graphic08-29-02

Trinity Software Solutions
is proud to announce its admission, as a charter member, to Rational Software Corporation's new Rational Business Alliance Program.

In conjuction with its admission, Trinity Software attained the highest level of this partnership program, the Gold Level. This level of partnership reflects Trinity Software's vast experience in working with customers to successfully deploy Rational products and processes, our commitment to the Rational Unified Process and the products to support successful software development, and our desire to continue to stay cognizant of the latest best practices and technology and bring that knowledge to our customers. We look forward to leveraging this close partnership to the mutual benefit of Rational Software, our customers, Trinity Software and the software development population at large.

Graphic of 3 levels of Partner program

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